14 of Septeber 2015 г.
The European Council has completed the formal procedure
of extending until March 15, 2016 its sanctions against
Russian companies and individuals...
14 of Septeber 2015 г.
Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another one missed
in action (MIA) in the Donbas conflict zone in the last
24 hours...
12 of Septeber 2015 г.
The Main news of the week from journalists of "FM-TV" (in ukrainian).
11 of Septeber 2015 г.
Russia feels like being encircled and under pressure...
11 of Septeber 2015 г.
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has called for
discussing the deprivation of Russia's veto right...
11 of Septeber 2015 г.
The anti-terrorist operation headquarters blames militants
of heavy weapons withdrawal imitation...
11 of Septeber 2015 г.
Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has
arrived in the annexed Crimea on a "private visit."..
11 of Septeber 2015 г.
The situation in eastern Ukraine remains tense. Despite
the declared ceasefire, Russian-backed terrorists...
10 of Septeber 2015 г.
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko welcomes the
adoption of the resolution by the European Parliament to
free Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia...
10 of Septeber 2015 г.
No Ukrainian servicemen were killed, one soldier was
wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours...
10 of Septeber 2015 г.
The self-proclaimed DPR and LPR militant organizations
are ready to hold local elections on the basis of the
Ukrainian legislation and with the participation of the
OSCE monitors...
10 of Septeber 2015 г.
Ukraine’s State Security Service has issued a search
warrant for former Justice Minister Olena Lukash...
10 of Septeber 2015 г.
The Senate, the upper chamber of the Italian Parliament,
has ratified the Association Agreement between Ukraine
and the European Union...
9 of Septeber 2015 г.
The situation in eastern Ukraine remains tense...
9 of Septeber 2015 г.
The combined Russian-separatist forces attacked Ukrainian
army positions in eastern Ukraine four times overnight...
9 of Septeber 2015 г.
If Ukraine introduces martial law or a state of
emergency, there will be no voting for the amendments to
the Constitution regarding decentralization...
9 of Septeber 2015 г.
One Ukrainian soldier was killed in the Donbas conflict
zone in the last 24 hours...
9 of Septeber 2015 г.
The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
(ODIHR) of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission will not
take part in monitoring of the so-called "elections"...
8 of Septeber 2015 г.
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is going to launch
five NATO Trust Funds worth EUR 5.4 million...
8 of Septeber 2015 г.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin has
announced that Ukraine recognized the jurisdiction...
Charts (hit parades)