1 of February 2016 г.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said it’s too early to
speak about lifting sanctions against Russia...
1 of February 2016 г.
Ukraine has filed a suit in court regarding the
construction of Nord Stream 2...
1 of February 2016 г.
The Parliament will consider draft amendments to the
Constitution in terms of justice...
1 of February 2016 г.
The Ukrainian army has sustained no losses over the past
24 hours...
30 of January 2016 г.
The Main news of the week from journalists of "FM-TV" (in ukrainian)
29 of January 2016 г.
There is no risk of Zika virus spreading in Ukraine...
29 of January 2016 г.
On the 98th anniversary of the Battle of Kruty, President
of Ukraine has thanked the young Ukrainians who join the
ranks of the defenders of our country...
29 of January 2016 г.
No Ukrainian servicemen were killed, but two our soldiers
were wounded in the ATO area in eastern Ukraine over past
24 hours...
29 of January 2016 г.
Ukraine may raise up to USD 1 billion from the
international financial institutions to purchase natural
gas from the European suppliers...
29 of January 2016 г.
Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Oleksiy
Pavlenko has submitted to the Parliament a letter of
28 of January 2016 г.
No Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the Donbas conflict
zone over the last 24 hours...
28 of January 2016 г.
Over the past two years the budget sphere,
Teplokomunenergo and population have reduced consumption
of natural gas by 5.8 billion cubic meters...
28 of January 2016 г.
Stoltenberg has stated that the implementation of the
Minsk Agreements is ambiguous while the situation in
eastern Ukraine remains fragile...
28 of January 2016 г.
Since the start of epidemic season in Kyiv, a total of 21
people died of influenza complications...
28 of January 2016 г.
The EC of Justice has repealed the decision of the
Council of the EU on the imposition of personal sanctions
against five former Ukrainian high-ranking officials...
27 of January 2016 г.
According to the results of investigation into attempted
embezzlement of state funds totaling UAH 550 million
under Kyto Protol...
27 of January 2016 г.
The assets of only eight officials of Yanukovych regime
from among eighteen under EU’s sanctions have been found
and frozen...
27 of January 2016 г.
A scheduled session of Trilateral Contact Group has begun
on Wednesday in the capital of Belarus...
27 of January 2016 г.
Ukrainian MPs have passed the bill on ratification of the
Protocol on the implementation of the Free Trade Area
27 of January 2016 г.
The number of attacks launched by the militants on the
Ukrainian positions increased dramatically over past 24
Charts (hit parades)