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NewsRSSEnergy Community Secretariat backs Ukrtransgaz internal reorganization plan
3 of October 2017 г.
The Energy Community Secretariat has approved the internal reorganization plan of public joint-stock company Ukrtransgaz via the creation of Operator of the Gas Transport System (GTS) of Ukraine branch, the press service of Naftogaz Ukrainy reported on Tuesday - Interfax.
Director of the Energy Community Secretariat Janez Kopac said that the proposed internal restructuring is a right and first realistic step towards the unbundling of the GTS operator that the Energy Community sees in Ukraine, the press service of Naftogaz said. He said that this step is made by people who better understand the process and this will help the Ukrainian government to finish the unbundling of the operator. Naftogaz said that the reorganization is a practical step to unbundling of the GTS operator outlined in government resolution No. 496 dated July 1, 2016. All business processes, assets and specialists required for transportation of natural gas in Ukraine will be accumulated in the branch. After the complete legal separation from Naftogaz this division will be able to pass the certification of the GTS operator suiting EU requirements. "Transit to Europe and gas transportation to Ukrainian consumers can not be stopped for a single day. It is the responsibility of all participants of the process. To make the unbundling of Naftogaz group pass the most smoothly for consumers, we have prepared a plan of practical steps based on the successful experience of other countries. These steps were supported by the Secretariat," Naftogaz Ukrainy Head Andriy Kobolev said. The press service said that the proposed approach was the result of months-long work of experts of Naftogaz, Ukrtransgaz and PwC international consulting company, which has large experience of accompanying similar projects in Poland, Germany and Greece. This decision was also approved by the supervisory board of Naftogaz.
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