According to Rozhkova, the National Bank of Ukraine can only control the legal forex institutions."The most sensitive topic, which has once again been raised by the participants of the meeting, was a problem of the existence of "black" currency exchange market," she wrote on Facebook after a meeting with market participants of the currency exchange operations.
"We do not control the illegal exchange offices. Because the National Bank is the regulator of the legal financial market," she said, but promised the regulator's maximum assistance to financial companies in this matter.
For example, the NBU supports the abolition of the 2% levy to the Pension Fund from foreign exchange transactions.
The participants to the meeting also discussed the feasibility of establishing five-level security safes in such offices, as well as the possibility of easing requirements for the protection of reporting.
It is noted that during a meeting the parties found a common vision of ways to address problematic issues and created several working groups with representatives of the NBUand the market players for their final settlement.