Censor.NET reports.
"The law has been returned with president's signature of Dec. 29, 2015," the statement reads.
"The law has been returned with president's signature of Dec. 29, 2015," the statement reads.
Law of Ukraine No. 905-VIII on the response to discriminatory or unfriendly actions of other states has been supplemented with a provision: "If discriminatory or unfriendly actions toward Ukraine are taken by the state recognized by the Verkhovna Rada an aggressor or invader state, response measures can be introduced... by a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine."
The additional response measures include prohibiting foreign economic operations or imposing restrictions on them, abolishing tariff privileges (preferences) as per rates of Ukraine's customs tariff by means of suspending import duty exemption as well as preferential or full import duties exemption or tariff quotas cancellation.
The law comes into force on the day following the date of its promulgation.
As previously reported, the Verkhovna Rada recognized Russia an aggressor state on Jan. 27, 2015.