Head of the Security Commission of the Public Chamber, Chairman of Moscow Public Oversight Commission Anton Tsvetkov said to Interfax on Monday, Censor.NET reports.
"According to my information, as I suspected, Nadiya Savchenko announced the resumption of the hunger strike today," Tsvetkov said.
At the same time, interpreter and journalist Natalia Mavlevich published Nadiya Savchenko's letter on her page on Facebook, in which the Ukrainian pilot announced of hunger strike: "I am going on hunger strike again from March 16, 2015, after a ten-day break. And I'm going to go all the way this time!!!" Savchenko's letter reads.
Later, this information was confirmed by Nadiya Savchenko's lawyer Mark Feigin: "It is true - Nadiya resumed hunger strike. She asked me to publish this appeal," he wrote on a Twitter.
Savchenko went on hunger strike Dec. 13, 2014, demanding her release and return home. The Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation reported March 5 that she agreed to fulfill the doctors' recommendations to start taking food in order to finish the strike.
ВСЕ НОВОСТИ ПО-РУССКИ ТУТSource:http://en.censor.net.ua/n328684