This was stated by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich, Censor.NET reports.
"To those who wish to speculate on the subject of Russia's alleged violations of its obligations under the Budapest Memorandum I would like to recommend to just read the text of the document for starters. Only one aspect of the Memorandum is related to the The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) itself. In this document Russia confirmed its commitment, with respect to Ukraine, not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any state that joined the NPT. As far as we know only one of Ukraine's former defense ministers questioned the fulfillment of this obligation. No one else has thought of that. So any attempt to somehow link the events in Ukraine to the NPT is obviously untenable and unfair," he said.
According to Lukashevich, "those who insinuate on the subject, in fact, themselves undermine the mode established by the Treaty."
"In the Memorandum we also pledged to refrain from the threat of force or its use against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine. And this position is fully respected. Not a single shot has been heard in the territory of Crimea neither before, nor during the fateful decisions of the population of Crimea and Sevastopol on the status of the peninsula. The vast majority of the population of Crimea and Sevastopol exercised the right to self-determination through free expression of will, and Crimea returned to Russia," the diplomat said.
Lukashevich also said that those who try to 'allege' Russia's military intervention in the events in the Southeast of Ukraine, "have not yet provided a single piece of convincing evidence."
"At that, Russia has not pledged to force a region of Ukraine to remain its part against the will of the local population neither in the Budapest Memorandum nor in any other document. The loss of Ukraine's territorial integrity was the result of complex internal processes to which Russia and its commitment to the Budapest Memorandum have no relationship," he concluded.