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The transfer of hostilities to Russia is only a matter of time - military analysts. VYSNOVKY (VIDEO)

The transfer of hostilities to Russia is only a matter of time - military analysts. VYSNOVKY (VIDEO)
7 of May 2022 г.
Never again! Defeat the Nazis, Defeat the Rashists! Honor to all those who liberated the world from Nazism during World War II - these are the days we remember all the victims of this terrible tragedy of mankind! Thanks also to all those who are currently destroying the Nazis of the 21st century - the tricolor Russian plague! Glory to the Armed Forces, terrorist defense, volunteers, all Ukrainians - especially in the temporarily occupied territories! It is about the heroic struggle of 10 weeks of Russian-Ukrainian war in our today's 5-hour information marathon from "Conclusions": Mariupol, other cities of Donetsk region, Luhansk region, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhia region, Dnipro, Odesa and many other regions of Ukraine in videos from our journalists and many colleagues. This week has entered the history of our state as the beginning of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the racist horde and the liberation from the occupation of Ukrainian lands.
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After Kharkiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will liberate Kherson region from russian occupiers - Kim. VYSNOVKY (VIDEO)
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23 of April 2022 г.
Chronicles of the war. Information marathon.
23.02.2022 (in ukrainian).
Muscovy's latest attempts at the front - "lease ships" have already left the Atlantic from the United States. VYSNOVKY (VIDEO)
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The wording of the West's arms supply to Ukraine has been changed to "For Victory!" VYSNOVKY (VIDEO)
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Muscovy against Ukraine. Information marathon
"Conclusions" (in ukrainian).
The embassies are returning to Kyiv, and the racists are continuing the genocide of Ukrainians in Donbas. VYSNOVKY (VIDEO)
10 of April 2022 г.
Chronicles of the war. 45 days. Information
marathon (in ukrainian).
MLRS from the United States and Great Britain, which will change the course of the war, is already being commented on in the swamp bunker. VYSNOVKY (VIDEO)
5 of June 2022 г.
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CONCLUSIONS" (in ukrainian).
Heavy Western weapons, "heavy" (1-2 km), but liberates Ukrainian land from racists. VYSNOVKY (VIDEO)
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Information marathon "Chronicles of War.
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Our flags are returning to the liberated regions - around the horrors of torture of Ukrainians and destruction.VYSNOVKY (VIDEO)
2 of April 2022 г.
Chronicles of 38 days of war of the racist horde
against Ukraine (in ukrainian).
Charts (hit parades)

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