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NewsRSSEuropean Commission: No threat to visa-free travel for Ukrainians, date of border opening unknown
15 of May 2020 г.
The European Union does not intend to review the terms of visa-free regime with Ukraine either because of coronavirus crisis or for any other reason - Ukrinform.
"I have never heard even a discussion about this in Brussels. The visa-free regime has nothing to do with the epidemic. After all, even if you think logically, how would restoring the visa regime help counteract the epidemic?" Katarína Mathernová, Deputy Director-General of European Commission’s European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations Department said in an interview with the Yevropeiska Pravda online media outlet. She also stressed that she was not aware of any threats to visa liberalization for Ukraine for any other reason. According to Mathernová, the European Commission conducts an annual review of compliance with visa liberalization requirements but there have been no reasons to raise such discussion regarding Ukraine yet. Commenting on the assumption that the EU's borders would not open due to the pandemic in summer, the Deputy Director-General said that "she would not make such assumptions" as the situation is constantly reviewed and all forecasts are revised. другие новости
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