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NewsRSSEuropean Council concerned about situation in Donbas, Sea of Azov, MH17 crash probe
21 of June 2019 г.
In the resolution, which was adopted on June 20 in Brussels following the European Council summit meeting, the leaders of the EU countries identified the main problems: Russia's aggression in eastern Ukraine, provocation of the Russian Federation in the Sea of Azov and the MH17 crash probe.
The full text of the document is published on the website of the European Council. In particular, Russia is urged once again to free Ukrainian sailors and respect international law. “The European Council reiterates its call on Russia to release the captured Ukrainian sailors unconditionally, return the seized vessels and ensure free passage of all ships through the Kerch Straits, in accordance with international law,” reads the document. The European leaders also unambiguously responded to Russia’s decision to issue Russian passports to Ukrainian citizens residing in the occupied territories of Donbas. “The European Council expresses its utmost concern about the Russian presidential decree of 24 April, enabling the simplified issuing of passports in certain areas of Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which runs counter to the spirit and the objectives of the Minsk agreements,” the resolution underscores. As noted, the European Council will continue to monitor the situation in eastern Ukraine and stands ready to consider further options, including non-recognition of Russian passports issued in contradiction to the Minsk agreements, in close coordination with its international partners. The European Council calls for an urgent resumption of negotiating efforts with a view to the implementation of the Minsk agreements and for measures aimed at “rebuilding confidence among the parties.” European leaders also paid attention to the results of the investigation conducted by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) into MH17 crash. “17 July will mark five years since the downing of flight MH17, which claimed 298 lives. The European Council reiterates its full support for all efforts to establish truth, justice and accountability for the victims and their next of kin, in accordance with UNSC Resolution 2166. In this context, it welcomes the announcement by the Joint Investigation Team on 19 June 2019 that criminal charges will be brought in the Netherlands against four individuals, calls on Russia to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation, and expresses its full confidence in the independence and professionalism of the legal procedures that lie ahead,” the resolution reads. другие новости
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