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NewsRSSDraft law on currency registered in Verkhovna Rada
19 of March 2018 г.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on March 19 registered bill No. 8152 "On currency”, according to a report on the parliament’s website.
The document was submitted by President Petro Poroshenko on March 17 and determined as “urgent” - Ukrinform. At the same time, the text of the bill has not yet been published on the parliament's website. As Ukrinform earlier reported, the draft law "On Currency" envisages the introduction of gradual, consistent and flexible liberalization in the foreign exchange market of Ukraine, free movement of capital and other currency values. The main normative legal act, which regulates the currency market in Ukraine, is the resolution “On the Currency Regulation and Exchange Control System" issued by the Cabinet of Ministers in 1993.
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